A condition called “nomophobia” is described as the fear of being without mobile contact. This has happened so fast that it’s not in medical text books yet, but it’s known and discussed between medical professions. In Spain, 2 young teenagers were admitted to a mental health facility to get treated for their over reliance on… Read More »

Cyber Bullying going mad
It’s not the first time I wrote about this nor will it be the last, but in recent highlights in the papers and news, its rose its ugly head again. What I am talking about is Cyber Bullying. A dirty word for a dirty illness. What is the definition of Cyber Bullying? The Oxford dictionary… Read More »

Facebook reaches 1 Billion users
We are all interconnected by 6 degrees of separation around the world said Hungarian author Frigyes Karinthy. With Social Media, these degrees are getting closer, as we can see the circles of relationships quicker and make connections in real time. With so many people online, we have to think, are we living online or offiline?… Read More »

Difference between Bully and Cyber-Bully
With all the news on Cyber Bullying over the last four years, people are asking what can be done to curb the bullying. Is it the technology arena that needs to be fixed or is it the user that needs educating? It’s a bit of both actually. To comprehend the meaning of cyber bullying, we… Read More »

Internet Safety For Children
Internet Safety for Children The online world is not much different from the offline World, but sometimes it feels easier to interact with people from a computer than to talk on the the street as its less challenging. But the communication foundation should remain the same such as good manners and respect for others. Some… Read More »
The Killer awoke before Dawn April 24, 2017
The Cookie Monsters April 10, 2014
Two “moms on a mission” create a parental intelligence system that stops cyberbullying before it blows up May 1, 2013
What age should a baby be online? January 28, 2013
Hannah Smith another victim to ASK.FM Cyber-bullying August 6, 2013
3 Ways You Can Offer Your Child Support without Being Too Nosey August 1, 2017
The Blue Whale Suicide game May 18, 2017
The Killer awoke before Dawn April 24, 2017
Should my child be on Instagram? April 18, 2017
72-hour-challenge follows up on Neknomination March 12, 2017