How to respond to your child Sexting? What is it about doing bad things that people like to repeat over and over again? The act of sexting is one of these acts that are repeated a lot within the youth brigade. But that does not say the adults are unaware of how it’s done… Read More »
Tag Archives | IPhone

Cyberbullying linked tragedy hits Donegal only weeks after Leitrim
Cyberbully Victim Amanda Todd posted video on YouTube month before taking her own life(image source: by Niall Mulrine 3 suicides due to Cyber Bullying in the last 6 weeks Cyber bullying has increased nationally over the last few years, but the recent news in the North West of Ireland has given more insight… Read More »

Mobile Phone Addiction is an issue
A condition called “nomophobia” is described as the fear of being without mobile contact. This has happened so fast that it’s not in medical text books yet, but it’s known and discussed between medical professions. In Spain, 2 young teenagers were admitted to a mental health facility to get treated for their over reliance on… Read More »
The Killer awoke before Dawn April 24, 2017
What age should a baby be online? January 28, 2013
The Cookie Monsters April 10, 2014
Two “moms on a mission” create a parental intelligence system that stops cyberbullying before it blows up May 1, 2013
Hannah Smith another victim to ASK.FM Cyber-bullying August 6, 2013
3 Ways You Can Offer Your Child Support without Being Too Nosey August 1, 2017
The Blue Whale Suicide game May 18, 2017
The Killer awoke before Dawn April 24, 2017
Should my child be on Instagram? April 18, 2017
72-hour-challenge follows up on Neknomination March 12, 2017