The availability of porn has increased with the array of devices we use to connect to the internet. Pornographic material has been widely accessible for over the last two centuries, where it may have originated as art “Erotica” in the 19th Century. The introduction of motion picture in the late 19th century called Le Coucher… Read More »
Tag Archives | Sexual Addiction
The Killer awoke before Dawn April 24, 2017
What age should a baby be online? January 28, 2013
The Cookie Monsters April 10, 2014
Two “moms on a mission” create a parental intelligence system that stops cyberbullying before it blows up May 1, 2013
Hannah Smith another victim to ASK.FM Cyber-bullying August 6, 2013
3 Ways You Can Offer Your Child Support without Being Too Nosey August 1, 2017
The Blue Whale Suicide game May 18, 2017
The Killer awoke before Dawn April 24, 2017
Should my child be on Instagram? April 18, 2017
72-hour-challenge follows up on Neknomination March 12, 2017