Part 2 of 2 Continuing on from previous article Part 1 with the same name, we continue with 5 more tips on preventing your first time with some online platforms don’t end horrendously. 6) Excellent Offers buy now! – Don’t believe all offers you read that will fix your issues. We all surf freely online… Read More »

Boston Marathon takes over Social Media
If people have not heard about the Boston Marathon Bombing by now, they are probably living away from communities, as all people are talking about is the tragedy that occurred 15th April 2013 at the end of the popular annual marathon. Not only was this such an inhumane attack on innocent sports people and… Read More »

Teens, Social Media and TMI
This is a guest blog by Kay Stephens of from Maine, United States of America. Contact Kay and Vinitha on their website above and watch Kay being interviewed on TV Teens, social media and TMI You’ve all heard the cutesy expression, TMI (Too much information) used in TV sitcoms and online conversations. TMI is… Read More »

Difference between Bully and Cyber-Bully
With all the news on Cyber Bullying over the last four years, people are asking what can be done to curb the bullying. Is it the technology arena that needs to be fixed or is it the user that needs educating? It’s a bit of both actually. To comprehend the meaning of cyber bullying, we… Read More »
The Killer awoke before Dawn April 24, 2017
What age should a baby be online? January 28, 2013
The Cookie Monsters April 10, 2014
Two “moms on a mission” create a parental intelligence system that stops cyberbullying before it blows up May 1, 2013
Hannah Smith another victim to ASK.FM Cyber-bullying August 6, 2013
3 Ways You Can Offer Your Child Support without Being Too Nosey August 1, 2017
The Blue Whale Suicide game May 18, 2017
The Killer awoke before Dawn April 24, 2017
Should my child be on Instagram? April 18, 2017
72-hour-challenge follows up on Neknomination March 12, 2017