Step 1- Logon to
Enter email address and password for your Facebook credentials in the logon screen which is similar to above image.
Below is the screen that will appear when logged in
- On the top Menu Bar, where our name, Find Friends & Home is located, the down arrow button will open a sub menu
With the drop down list, the option that will be needed is Account SettingsStep 2 Open Account Settings
How to deactivate Facebook Account
Step 3 – Open Security
When in the Account Settings, Look for the Security tab on the left
- Step 3 Open Security Settings
How to deactivate Facebook Account
Once on this page, please click on
Step 4- Deactivate Account
- Step 4 Deactivate
How to deactivate Facebook Account
This will bring the user to the Final stage
Step 5 – Confirm Deactivation of account
You may leave feedback why the account needs to be deactivated or leave blank.
Check the box to OPT OUT of receiving emails from Facebook in the Future
Click CONFIRM to finalise
Good post Niall.
What about using an anonymous accounts? Getting off facebook would be the best a someone could do if they were getting bullied. It’s become such a big part of the lives of the younger generation that some of them wouldn’t deactivate an account. Even if they were getting harassed. I think in those cases maybe setting up an anonymous account might allow them to deactivate the account with the problem. Just a thought, keep up the good work.
Thank you for your input. Much appreciated.
Yes you are right about anonymous accounts such as where tips on how to deactivate this is linked on my partner site
Facebook and other sites are part of our identity and it is very difficult to get rid of it. But overall the person needs to make a decision do they want to be continually harrassed on this site and feel pain daily or would they like to get a break off this bullying. Most cases when the bully does not get responses they will stop, but if they know they are getting the right reaction they will continue. 30 days off a site could make a difference and mentally it will help the victim that they do not need to see the messages all the time.
Thanks for suggestions all are welcome,