What is the cookies that come up requesting our permission on certain websites? I would like Anna Mininkova from www.webdesigndegreecenter.org to explain with her info-graphic on security of cookies Source: WebDesignDegreeCenter.org

To prevent cyberbullying you’ve got to think like a martial artist
guest blog by Kay Stephens of Cyberslammed.com The number one question parents continue to ask around digital safety is: “What do I do if my child becomes a target of cyberbullying?” Unfortunately, so much of the cyberbullying advice you find online only scratches the surface, such as: “Save all… Read More »

Bully victim Simon Brooks death coincides with report on schools resources
Tuesday 1st April 2014, was the day that Julie Brooks said goodbye to her son Simon Brooks. Simon died after taking an overdose due to the extent of the bullying he was victim to at this local school in Wales, UK. He had spend 18 months of his days of life on earth being tortured… Read More »

What have Children and mobile phones got in common?
What a question? How can we put children and mobile phones in the same sentence? Well believe it or not, you could be mistaken by thinking I am going to write about children using phones? That would be by no means strange. But recently, in Dublin Castle, the Road Safety Authority of Ireland (RSA) had… Read More »

Cyberbullying author launches Ethel Is HOT LOL, a new tween novel & giveaway on March 27
Guest Post by Kay Stephens of www.Cyberslammed.com U.S. author Kay Stephens has just released her first middle grade cyberbullying e-book titled Ethel Is Hot LOL (sMashup Press), featuring a twelve-year-old kid, Ethel, who gets duped by an all-out cyberbullying campaign orchestrated by two girls looking for YouTube fame. The novel… Read More »
The Killer awoke before Dawn April 24, 2017
What age should a baby be online? January 28, 2013
The Cookie Monsters April 10, 2014
Two “moms on a mission” create a parental intelligence system that stops cyberbullying before it blows up May 1, 2013
Hannah Smith another victim to ASK.FM Cyber-bullying August 6, 2013
3 Ways You Can Offer Your Child Support without Being Too Nosey August 1, 2017
The Blue Whale Suicide game May 18, 2017
The Killer awoke before Dawn April 24, 2017
Should my child be on Instagram? April 18, 2017
72-hour-challenge follows up on Neknomination March 12, 2017